Monday, October 31, 2011

[computer-jobs] 50+ New walkins this week - Nov 1- Nov 5 at TOP MNCs!!



50+ New walkins this week - Nov 1- Nov 5 at TOP MNCs!!

CTS Walk in Java Developers with Sql Experience on 5th Nov, 2011
CTS Walk In Drive on 5th Nov'11 10 am to 2 pm - Pune, Hyderabad, Kolkata
CTS Walk In Drive on 5th Nov'11 10am to 2 pm - Chennai Multiple Skills
TCS Walk in at Kolkata for SAP PI Professional on 05th Nov'2011
TCS Walk in at Kolkata for Java Designers Professional on 05th Nov'2011
TCS Walk in at Kolkata for Cognos Architect and Designers Professional on 05th Nov'2011
TCS Walk in at Kolkata for SAP HCM-ABAP Professional on 05th Nov'2011
TCS Walk in at Kolkata for Informatica ETL Architect Professional on 05th Nov '2011
TCS Walk in at Kolkata for Abinitio Professional on 05th Nov'2011
TCS Walk in at Kolkata for SAP BASIS Security professionals on 05th Nov'2011
TCS Walk in at Kolkata for Documentum Professional on 05th Nov'2011
TCS Walk in at Kolkata for SAP ABAP Professional on 05th Nov'2011
TCS Walk in at Kolkata for Java/J2ee Developers Professional on 05th Nov'2011
SEO Executive-Walk-in 1st NOVEMBER 2011 to 5th NOVEMBER 2011
CTS Datawarehousing walk-in interview on 5 Nov 11,Sat, Chennai
PHP-Developer-Walk-in 1st to 3rd November 2011 Hyderabad
Urgent Walk In Genpact For Accountants - Hyderabad - Nov 1-7
Walk in for BPO 1st Nov - 15th Nov 2011 - Noida
Chennai Walkin interview for PHP Experienced on 12th November 2011
Walk-in for DotNet web technologies- Mumbai Nov 1-4
.NET Developer Walkin 5 Nov 11 in Noida
Chennai WalkIn for Voice process on 31Oct & 1st Nov 2011 in Capgemini
Java Developer Walkin 5 Nov 11 in Noida
Walkin on 5th Nov'11 for C/C++ developers at Pune
Walkin on 5th Nov'11 for Java developers at Pune
Walkin on 5th Nov'11 for Dotnet developers at Pune
Walkin on 5th Nov'11 for database admnistrator at Pune
Web Designer Walk in in Noida - November 1 - November 4
WALK-IN FOR PL/SQL DEVELOPER from 31-Oct to 4-Nov-11

View walkins by City -

More walkins at

Good luck!

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[Simply Computers] Re: Video Freezing Issues


The system is-

Asus M4A78-VM
Geil 4GB DDR2 800 with Aluminum Ram sinks
AMD X2 555 Black Edition
XFX Radeon HD 4350
Antec 650 True Power
Vista SP2 64 bit

I made sure to update the drivers on all 3 GPUs that I tried
Also have the latest bios update.
Same problems playing video with VLC or WMP

This system worked fine up until a month ago and seems to be gradually getting worse.
Overheating is not the problem. And have tried overclocking and underclocking the GPU.

--- In, "John" <john@...> wrote:
> About 2 months ago I started having issues with watching video from my computer. The higher the definition of the file, the more it would "freeze" up. Now it will not even play 1080p video, and 720 is very jerky.
> I tried other graphics card, and the onboard video, with no difference.
> I have run memory test, unplugged additional hard drives, tried to play from a flash drive, and updated the bios. Still the same problem.
> Any ideas what the problem might be?

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[Simply Computers] Re: WiFI Broadband


I use VirginMobile USB and I like it a lot. I'm thinking of getting the
WiFi hub to use at home. That takes the VirginMobile signal and
rebroadcasts it as WiFi so all you need is WiFi (like at Starbucks).
Does the Tablet have regular WiFi?

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Visit Simply Computers Tech Support Group and Helpdesk (24x7). Providing 100% free Computer Tech Support since 1999. With over 12,000 members Simply Computers is one of the largest and most active Tech Support Forums on the Internet.


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[Simply Computers] Re: WiFI Broadband


You have a USB wireless broadband adapter for your laptop, that lets you have Internet access when you're not near WiFi.

How does it connect? Via 3G?

Then get a tablet with both WiFi and 3G.


--- In, "anny385385" <anny385385@...> wrote:
> I have a wireless broadband USB for my laptop. I like it because you can go to Best Buy and get a card if you need to put more time on your time online. I need the same thing, but kind of like a MiFi where you can use up to five electronic devices. I want to get a Tablet and need to use WiFi anywhere like I can with the USB Broadband, but since Tablets don't have USB ports I can't use the USB Broadband on the laptop. I don't want a MiFi that you have to use from say Verizon, or anywhere else because I know I would only use it when I needed it and since we have WiFi from our cable provider I don't need it when I'm home just when I'm somewhere else.

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Visit Simply Computers Tech Support Group and Helpdesk (24x7). Providing 100% free Computer Tech Support since 1999. With over 12,000 members Simply Computers is one of the largest and most active Tech Support Forums on the Internet.


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[Simply Computers] Re: VGA-to-video converter gives rolling picture on TV


I know you said you tried all of the refresh rates, but 60 Hz is the only one that should work correctly.

Did you try adjusting the Vertical Hold on the TV? you didn't say.

The computer doesn't get any "handshaking" from the TV or any other monitor. The display is an output signal only, the computer doesn't look for a response signal from the display device.

If you tried a higher refresh rate than 60 Hz, the RF modulator may have been correcting for it, which is why you didn't notice any change.

You probably cannot make any adjustments to the RF Modulator, so if you can't adjust the TV frequency to match, you may be out of luck.

You'll have better luck with the 23" monitor, and the boom box.

ps ... you did all that messing around because your "kid didn't want to burn a DVD" ????


--- In, "BeautyIsAGeek" <toyotaokiec@...> wrote:
> I connected my desktop computer (XP Professional) at home to my TV using a VGA-to-video converter and RF modulator.
> The TV is old, but it works great! And it fits in my entertainment center. That's one of the main reasons I haven't sprung for a new flat screen TV. It's a Philips Magnavox CRT 25" with stereo speakers built in. It cost $12.50 a couple of months ago at a second hand store. It only has connectors for coax and antenna, so that's why I used the RF modulator. I already had it because my old GE 19" TV was the one I bought in 1985, and it only had coax and antenna connectors, too. It still works, so it's been moved to a bedroom. (I know that seems OT, but it illustrates how FRUGAL I like to be!)
> I was able to get the picture to show on the TV, but it had no color and would not stop rolling. I tried every refresh rate setting I could find on the computer, but nothing changed on the TV. It almost seemed like, since the computer was unable to receive any handshaking from the old TV, it refused to change anything in the signal that went to the TV. Or, was the RF modulator overriding the changes I was making on the computer?
> The sound worked fine. I got it to the TV using an audio splitter cable that plugged into the VGA-to-video converter, then into the RF modulator. The sound connection only worked when the video was plugged in, too. There was also a USB cable that ran from the computer to the VGA-to-video converter. I did try hooking up external stereo speakers using just an audio cable, but they weren't powered, so no sound came out.
> We ended up putting the computer next to the TV, covering the TV's display because the rolling was annoying, using a new 23" flat screen monitor on the computer, and the speakers built into the TV. I ran out of time to rig up anything else. (We were getting this ready for some friends of my kid to come over and watch some videos. My kid's idea was to have them gather around the laptop in the bedroom, but I said I didn't think that was a very good way to treat guests and suggested trying to use the big TV in the living room.)
> I'm sure there are lots of different ways to accomplish my goal of playing the computer-based videos on the TV. (My kid didn't want to burn a DVD.) Is there anything else I can do to get the video on the TV to stop rolling and show color? It seemed like I was really close to getting it to work!
> If we do this again and I can't come up with a way to make it play completely on the TV, I think I'll get a 3.5mm-to-3.5mm cable and run the audio to my boom box audio in. That should give good enough sound from the computer to not be annoying.
> Still, I'd rather get it to play on the TV.
> Ideas?
> If you can't tell, I'm trying to avoid spending money I can't justify. In other words, I can't justify a new big HD TV and all the extra stuff (furniture!) go to with it. I didn't plan to buy the new computer flat screen monitor, but the old monitor was starting to flake out anyway, so I went ahead and got one.

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Visit Simply Computers Tech Support Group and Helpdesk (24x7). Providing 100% free Computer Tech Support since 1999. With over 12,000 members Simply Computers is one of the largest and most active Tech Support Forums on the Internet.


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[Simply Computers] Re: Linux Distro


Hi Roger, I had found this (
but it was mostly a rehash of other forums.
Apparently very few Wimodems are supported, both these computer have, for real, pci modems. Ubuntu 9.04 and a live CD of 8.04 show them in the log files. Neither have the network manager available.
Will have to try John's trick of burning the needed files to a cd.
They would not install when I downloaded them to the desktop,one effort stated could not find on CD.
Thanks a lot John for your procedure much clearer than I have found in my search. I did read that for some reason Linux would find the external modem more reliably than internal. I have a couple of US Robotics I can try if the internal can not be made to work.
Gary G

--- In, "RogerX19" <helpmeroger@...> wrote:
> Some modems do not work with Linux, so they won't appear in Network Connections.
> Here's a pretty good explanation, although it appears to be from 2005:
> rogerX
> --- In, "shalopt" <shalopt@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi, group I have a couple of older desktop systems. Had w98 installed.
> > Would like to install a Linux Distro that will use a modem for dial up.
> > I am giving them to folks in need that do not have anything but dial up available.
> > I use Unbuntu 10.1 with DSL, the forums say there is an item called (Network) under either Admin or Preference where you can select your modem and setup dial up. I have installed versions 7.0? up to 10.1
> > so far I have not found this item, found network tools and network connections but nothing in either concerning dial up.
> > supposedly you can use the command line to get it working but
> > when I have entered the commands I have found in the forums I
> > get messages such as package not for this version, or does not exist.
> > So does anyone no of a Distro that the setup is close to Windows.
> > The computers are working fine using a usb wireless adapter with Ubuntu
> > 9.04.
> > Gary G
> >

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[Simply Computers] Re: VGA-to-video converter gives rolling picture on TV


Hi the rolling picture is due to lack of sync signals. If rolling vertical no verticel sync if horizontal no horz. sync.
If rolling in both plains no sync. No sync will cause no color or color shading floating in the picture.
Your TV uses a NTSC TV signal so you converter must output NTSC which it likely does as PAL is not used in North America.
The instruction for your converter should tell you what set the computer display such as 800x600.
Your best bet would have been getting a video card if a desktop that has NTSC TV video output some laptop have this available.
Is the modulator a part of the converter? If not you may be over driving the modulator which will kill the sync pulses and compress the color burst signal. The audio will work as it uses a different circuit and modulates a 4.5Mhz oscillator.
Gary G
in NC

--- In, "BeautyIsAGeek" <toyotaokiec@...> wrote:
> I connected my desktop computer (XP Professional) at home to my TV using a VGA-to-video converter and RF modulator.
> The TV is old, but it works great! And it fits in my entertainment center. That's one of the main reasons I haven't sprung for a new flat screen TV. It's a Philips Magnavox CRT 25" with stereo speakers built in. It cost $12.50 a couple of months ago at a second hand store. It only has connectors for coax and antenna, so that's why I used the RF modulator. I already had it because my old GE 19" TV was the one I bought in 1985, and it only had coax and antenna connectors, too. It still works, so it's been moved to a bedroom. (I know that seems OT, but it illustrates how FRUGAL I like to be!)
> I was able to get the picture to show on the TV, but it had no color and would not stop rolling. I tried every refresh rate setting I could find on the computer, but nothing changed on the TV. It almost seemed like, since the computer was unable to receive any handshaking from the old TV, it refused to change anything in the signal that went to the TV. Or, was the RF modulator overriding the changes I was making on the computer?
> The sound worked fine. I got it to the TV using an audio splitter cable that plugged into the VGA-to-video converter, then into the RF modulator. The sound connection only worked when the video was plugged in, too. There was also a USB cable that ran from the computer to the VGA-to-video converter. I did try hooking up external stereo speakers using just an audio cable, but they weren't powered, so no sound came out.
> We ended up putting the computer next to the TV, covering the TV's display because the rolling was annoying, using a new 23" flat screen monitor on the computer, and the speakers built into the TV. I ran out of time to rig up anything else. (We were getting this ready for some friends of my kid to come over and watch some videos. My kid's idea was to have them gather around the laptop in the bedroom, but I said I didn't think that was a very good way to treat guests and suggested trying to use the big TV in the living room.)
> I'm sure there are lots of different ways to accomplish my goal of playing the computer-based videos on the TV. (My kid didn't want to burn a DVD.) Is there anything else I can do to get the video on the TV to stop rolling and show color? It seemed like I was really close to getting it to work!
> If we do this again and I can't come up with a way to make it play completely on the TV, I think I'll get a 3.5mm-to-3.5mm cable and run the audio to my boom box audio in. That should give good enough sound from the computer to not be annoying.
> Still, I'd rather get it to play on the TV.
> Ideas?
> If you can't tell, I'm trying to avoid spending money I can't justify. In other words, I can't justify a new big HD TV and all the extra stuff (furniture!) go to with it. I didn't plan to buy the new computer flat screen monitor, but the old monitor was starting to flake out anyway, so I went ahead and got one.

Recent Activity:
Visit Simply Computers Tech Support Group and Helpdesk (24x7). Providing 100% free Computer Tech Support since 1999. With over 12,000 members Simply Computers is one of the largest and most active Tech Support Forums on the Internet.


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Re: [Computer Security Group] e-mail account has been hijacked


read:copy and paste link, it's a Google search, it's a common issue,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=8562193df683b6ce

From: toseewhathecouldsee <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 2:35 PM
Subject: [Computer Security Group] e-mail account has been hijacked

My e-mail account has been hijacked and all sorts of e-mails are being sent to friends, and some of my yahoo groups. I have changed my password for my internet provider, outlook express password, yahoo password, but they just seem to keep coming. I have run norton antivirus software, superantispyware, adaware, but the messages still seem to keep being sent.

What can I do to resolve this problem?

Thank you,


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Treat your pa5sword like your toothbrush. Don't let
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Re: [Simply Computers] VGA-to-video converter gives rolling picture on TV


It sounds to me like the RF modulator may be defective. TV broadcast
signals are quite different than the VGA signal coming out of a
computer. It sounds to me like the frequency is off, causing the loss of
color, and the vertical sync pulse is not being generated correctly,
causing the rolling. All of this is generated by the RF modulator.

Does the TV have any additional input jacks? Many had RCA jacks as well
as the antenna inputs. If you have and older DVD player with a TV out
signal, you may be able to use that as your RF Modulator.

Norm Higgs

On 2011-10-31 4:17 PM, Joan Leach wrote:
> A while back at Kmart I found an adapter that had audio/video plugs, S-Video and cable, I think it was Emerson, but I misplaced the packaging in a closet. It's something like a switch box from a computer, game console to TV. If memory serves it wasn't too expensive.
> Good luck,Joan in Reno
> --- On Mon, 10/31/11, BeautyIsAGeek<> wrote:
> From: BeautyIsAGeek<>
> Subject: Re: [Simply Computers] VGA-to-video converter gives rolling picture on TV
> To:
> Date: Monday, October 31, 2011, 3:36 PM
> I know, right!
> I've gotten some nice all-wood furniture off craigslist lately.
> But what about the rolling picture problem? Any ideas how to get rid of it?
> --- In, craftee97@... wrote:
>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: "BeautyIsAGeek"<toyotaokiec@...>
>> Sender:
>> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 17:06:29
>> To:<>
>> Reply-To:
>> Subject: [Simply Computers] VGA-to-video converter gives rolling picture on TV
>> I connected my desktop computer (XP Professional) at home to my TV using a VGA-to-video converter and RF modulator.
>> The TV is old, but it works great! And it fits in my entertainment center. That's one of the main reasons I haven't sprung for a new flat screen TV. It's a Philips Magnavox CRT 25" with stereo speakers built in. It cost $12.50 a couple of months ago at a second hand store. It only has connectors for coax and antenna, so that's why I used the RF modulator. I already had it because my old GE 19" TV was the one I bought in 1985, and it only had coax and antenna connectors, too. It still works, so it's been moved to a bedroom. (I know that seems OT, but it illustrates how FRUGAL I like to be!)
>> I was able to get the picture to show on the TV, but it had no color and would not stop rolling. I tried every refresh rate setting I could find on the computer, but nothing changed on the TV. It almost seemed like, since the computer was unable to receive any handshaking from the old TV, it refused to change anything in the signal that went to the TV. Or, was the RF modulator overriding the changes I was making on the computer?
>> The sound worked fine. I got it to the TV using an audio splitter cable that plugged into the VGA-to-video converter, then into the RF modulator. The sound connection only worked when the video was plugged in, too. There was also a USB cable that ran from the computer to the VGA-to-video converter. I did try hooking up external stereo speakers using just an audio cable, but they weren't powered, so no sound came out.
>> We ended up putting the computer next to the TV, covering the TV's display because the rolling was annoying, using a new 23" flat screen monitor on the computer, and the speakers built into the TV. I ran out of time to rig up anything else. (We were getting this ready for some friends of my kid to come over and watch some videos. My kid's idea was to have them gather around the laptop in the bedroom, but I said I didn't think that was a very good way to treat guests and suggested trying to use the big TV in the living room.)
>> I'm sure there are lots of different ways to accomplish my goal of playing the computer-based videos on the TV. (My kid didn't want to burn a DVD.) Is there anything else I can do to get the video on the TV to stop rolling and show color? It seemed like I was really close to getting it to work!
>> If we do this again and I can't come up with a way to make it play completely on the TV, I think I'll get a 3.5mm-to-3.5mm cable and run the audio to my boom box audio in. That should give good enough sound from the computer to not be annoying.
>> Still, I'd rather get it to play on the TV.
>> Ideas?
>> If you can't tell, I'm trying to avoid spending money I can't justify. In other words, I can't justify a new big HD TV and all the extra stuff (furniture!) go to with it. I didn't plan to buy the new computer flat screen monitor, but the old monitor was starting to flake out anyway, so I went ahead and got one.
>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
> Visit Simply Computers Tech Support Group and Helpdesk (24x7). Providing 100% free Computer Tech Support since 1999. With over 12,000 members Simply Computers is one of the largest and most active Tech Support Forums on the Internet.
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Recent Activity:
Visit Simply Computers Tech Support Group and Helpdesk (24x7). Providing 100% free Computer Tech Support since 1999. With over 12,000 members Simply Computers is one of the largest and most active Tech Support Forums on the Internet.


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Re: [Simply Computers] How to add text to a copy of a letter that has been scaned to my PC ?


Sorry the post and your "someone."

On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 1:41 AM, Phillip and Joyce <> wrote:

> The file won't open in Windowa paint ?
> Phil
> --- In, B Welkin <welkinator@...> wrote:
> >
> > Yes. Open the file using Windows Paint and then use the text tool to
> > place the text.
> >
> > If you really want to >edit< the text you will have to have an OCR
> > software to examine the file and translate it to text which you then
> > open in your local text editor (such as Word or WordPad or ?) and
> > make your changes there.
> >
> > (OCR= Optical Character Recognition)
> >
> > ...Bryce
> >
> > At 04:42 PM 10/28/2011, you wrote:
> > >Is there a way to add text to a copy of a letter that has been
> > >scaned to my PC. XP SP# Phil
> --
Vincent Winterling
Vineland, NJ

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Recent Activity:
Visit Simply Computers Tech Support Group and Helpdesk (24x7). Providing 100% free Computer Tech Support since 1999. With over 12,000 members Simply Computers is one of the largest and most active Tech Support Forums on the Internet.


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