Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Re: [Simply Computers] password manager ?


Lastpass is a form filler and password manager like Roboform. Keepass is
only a password manager (at least from their description). Are you clear
in your own mind what you want?

I've been using Lastpass for a couple of years and haven't had any real
problems. There are a few sites it can't handle, falling into 2
categories - those that are IE specific (I use Firefox) and those that
use some sort of Flash feature to input the passwords. The IE problem
can be overcome by switching temporarily to IE or by using the IE View
Add-On. I have about 100 passwords stored on LP and all the Flash
problem sites that bothered me have converted to some more friendly
input scheme. I still have 1 site that requires IE.

I wanted a form filler also, so went with Lastpass vs Roboform because
it was free. It does store your information remotely but does not depend
on that storage to operate since everything is also stored locally. The
offline storage is used to facilitate cross machine and cross operating
system functionality. Anything you change on one of your machines shows
up on all the others using the same account.

As far as being "recently compromised" - that's a little strong based on
this news report
<http://download.cnet.com/8301-2007_4-20060191-12.html>. But if you have
no need for multi-machine capability then an offline program is the way
to go.

I have previously used Password Agent
<http://www.moonsoftware.com/pwagent.asp>. There is a free version
available is you need 25 or fewer passwords. It's pretty straight
forward and everything is stored locally.

If you want only a password manager, Firefox allows you to apply a
master password to its saved passwords. I don't know if IE has a similar
feature or how strong this protection would be in either browser.

H Davis

On 5/8/2011 4:59 PM, Bill wrote:
> I am studying the option of using a password manager, and I want the
> input of this group. I want reports of experience AND opinion.
> I have read reviews of both LastPass and Keepass, and snippets of
> comments on several others. Keepass is free, stores a database within
> the users control, got good reviews and has a moderately complex
> interface; Lastpass uses an off-line storage (Recently compromised),
> got good reviews and is reported to be simple to use.
> Several of the more respected reviews got a pass from me, because,
> (with obvious bias) they reported only on programs they were dealers for.
> I am not committed to any, and not even to doing this. However, the
> balance between security and memory is tipping to the "HELP!" side
> (after all, I AM 84)and I am starting here.
> Help!--Bill--W4BSG

H Davis hdavis1@gmail.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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