Sunday, July 31, 2011

[Simply Computers] Re: backup and restore


Bill, see if this helps to see what is giving you all that activity:
"What's my computer doing?" (free).

If I remember correctly, Bob referred to creating a Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) disk. If you're making one for the first time it can be intimidating to do so. If I get an option from a supplier to create a Windows PE disk or get a Linux based recovery disk, I opt for the Linux version because IMO it is so much easier.

--- In, "Bill Aycock" <billaycock@...> wrote:
> during boot-up)Vincent, Roger, Bob Austino, and other backup Buffs--
> This week I had a painful example of the need for backup, and related
> insurance. After recovering, I reviewed some recent posts here. Some
> comments about Bootable discs puzzled me.-- About that, later.
> My other machine (desktop, Win7 home Prem(64), adequate Ram and an internal,
> 500Gb HDD backup) didn't exactly die, but became unusable. Symptoms were
> extremely slow operation, during which it would have a flurry of Disk read
> sounds lasting about 1-2 seconds, followed by 36-38 seconds of silence,
> repeated. At this speed, any scan is either frustratingly slow, or
> impossible. Malwarebytes and Security Essentials were impossible. The Disc
> activity light was constantly on. Boot took over 30 Min. My first thought
> was Virus!!, but some of the symptoms were more hardware. I couldn't get to
> the back-up. after over a day of frustration and two restore attempts, I
> started getting a series of "File Corrupted" error signals. I finally found
> a bootable disc that let me get to the Windows back-up files. The first step
> back was no good (Remember how long this took to determine) but the second
> worked.
> Checking after recovery showed that the bulk of my data (Mail, technical
> calculations, etc) were OK. some recently installed Apps were gone, and the
> layout of my desktop was changed.
> One of the tests I did was a "Drive Fitness" test from Hitachi I was aimed
> at by one of you. This test took over 9 hours, but reported the C: Drive (1
> Tb, Hitachi) to be OK. Waiting for that took a gross amount of patience,
> and some faith. My thanks.
> I still don't know what happened. After apparent recovery, I ran a COMPLETE
> scan for malware, viruses, etc, using a fresh install of MS Security
> Essentials. That took a LOT of time, even at normal speed.
> Back to the recovery disc. I don't understand some comments Bob made about
> difficulty in making one. It is a normal step in setting up the Windows
> back-up system. I have just made a new one, for redundancy.
> Also- most of the back-up talk is about Acronis and similar programs, and
> the Widows set-up seems to be passed over. Why is that? It worked for me. I
> have Acronyms on this machine, but haven't needed it-----Yet.
> Thanks to all-- Bill--W4BSG

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