Thursday, September 1, 2011

RE: [Simply Computers] SuperAnitSpyware reports HKCR broken file association


Yes, I saw that thread, but those posts are well over a year old. You'd
think SuperAntiSpyware would have written a patch for this problem and
included it with the various updates. My copy (free version) was up to date
when I ran it two days ago. I've updated it again and will re-run it today
to see if it persists in warning me about the broken file association.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of David Ron
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Simply Computers] SuperAnitSpyware reports HKCR broken file

Have you seen this forum posting about a similar issue:

It appears to be a problem with SuperAntiSpyware, not actually a problem
with your computer. I don't use Windows, so I don't know if this is
accurate information.


On Thu, Sep 1, 2011 at 1:02 PM, emailshere <>wrote:

> **
> Last Friday, my internet experience became unstable (sites would not
> load in either Chrome or MSIE7; entering a good URL resulted in the
> URL's being altered with spaces or odd characters added). This looked
> like a browser hijacking, but after running SuperAntiSpyware in Safe
> Mode and deleting the only serious threat it found, upon restart,
> Windows could not load a couple Start-up programs ("Windows cannot
> find this program; please select from a list or search online..." or
> words to that effect), I could no longer open programs using my
> desktop shortcuts, and I could not get online. Most of my quick-start
> icons had changed to generic file icons. I tried to do a System
> Restore, but Windows could not find that program either. If I'd had
> more patience and a second computer, I may have been able to resolve
> these problems on my own, but.......
> The threat SuperAntiSpyware found and removed was named "HKCR broken
> file association" (HKEY_Classes_Root contains file name extension
> associations...and is primarily intended for compatibility with the
> registry in 16-bit Windows). Removing that "threat" didn't fix the
> instability; it made it worse. You can find posts online where people
> complain about this situation. Apparently, SuperAntiSpyware reports
> this Critical Threat, but when people remove it, their file
> associations go missing. There are "fixes" suggested for this
> apparently false-positive result, but I don't trust the sources of the
> "fixes," so I haven't run any of them. I hired a roving tech who ran a
> program that re-associated the files with their programs, but he ended
> up simply doing a System Restore, because everything else he tried
> didn't totally fix the problem. I re-ran SuperAntiSpyware which found
> the so-called threat again, but I have NOT removed it, and my computer
> is working just fine.
> I also ran a new, updated copy of MalwareBytes which found no problems
> on c, but it did find Trojan.AVKiller on my backup drive. Avast found
> no threats on any drives.
> Any thoughts on this HKCR broken file association that
> SuperAntiSpyware reports as a Critical Threat?
> By the way, I posted about this same issue a month ago ("Does
> antimalware program fix or delete a key?"). One reply said: "It will
> not fix the broken association it will delete it. From what your
> wrote(HKCR\.exe), there is nothing to be concerned about because there
> is no file associated with that ".exe"."
> SB
> WinXP,SP3

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