Sunday, August 26, 2012

Re: [The Computer Hardware Technician] Toshiba laptop Satellite A505 replaced broken LCD problem


Windows Update error 80070003

If you receive Windows Update error 80070003 while checking for updates, you
need to remove the temporary files that Windows uses to identify updates for
your computer. To remove the temporary files, stop the Windows Update
service, delete the temporary update files, restart the Windows Update
service, and then try to check for Windows updates again.

Windows provides a built-in troubleshooter that can automatically find and
fix some common problems with Windows Update.

•Open the Windows Update troubleshooter by clicking the Start button , and
then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type troubleshooter, and
then click Troubleshooting. Under System and Security, click Fix problems
with Windows Update

-------Original Message-------

From: Paula Cutcomb
Date: 08/25/12 12:19:35
Subject: [The Computer Hardware Technician] Toshiba laptop Satellite A505
replaced broken LCD problem

Hi all - new to your forum and am desperate. Just finished replacing a
cracked LCD in my toshiba laptop A505, but when I turned the unit on after
replacing the screen, I got no Windows boot up music etc, just a white, LIT,
screen. It is lit, but nothing comes up - no Toshiba logo, nothing. There
were only 2 connections to "unplug" and replace from the broken screen to
the new one, the rest was just screwing the thing back together. What the
heck could be wrong??? Help please!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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