Tuesday, August 30, 2011

[Simply Computers] Re: Bad dial up connection


A guy I work with brought me his computer that had a bunch of viruses and I cleaned it up, checked it out and gave it back to him. He uses dialup, so I also tried that to make sure it was OK.

When he got it home, he said it worked good, except for the dialup, which was intermittent, and often terrible.

As he lives quite far away, he didn't feel like bringing it back right away.

About a week later, he told me that he had fixed the problem. Seems his dog had chewed on the wire from the modem to the wall outlet, and he just happened to notice it as he was unplugging it to bring it back for me to "fix" again. Once he replaced that wire, all was good.


--- In simplycomputers2@yahoogroups.com, "jettmollie" <mjett@...> wrote:
> First thing, Yes some people do still have dial up. Ha Ha Ok i have been getting a really bad connection for a few weeks. Have talked to ISP people time after time and nothing they recommend helps.To explain a little better what i mean!! Usually when i connect to the internet i get 50.6 kbps or better 53.3 kbps which i need to play the games i play.Now the very best i can get is 49.3 kbps and usually worse.Long story short, is my modem going bad or is there something else that can be causing this problem? Thanks for any help

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