Friday, September 30, 2011

[Simply Computers] Re: Unable to connect to a web page



Thanks for the "forewarning", although it would have been more helpful if you had typed your forewarning near the beginning of your message, instead of at the end.

(Kinda more of an "after" warning, than a "fore" warning, huh?)

Hope none of our readers went to the site you belatedly warned them about.

In the future, instead of forewarning us, it might be better if you didn't post the URLs of any questionable sites at all.

Sorry to hear that your computer won't allow you to visit that site, but perhaps you're better off without it??

Not being judgemental here, just thinking that if all your browsers won't let you go there, then maybe it's not the browsers. Perhaps your ISP is blocking the site? Perhaps for good reason?

Anyway, thanks for the warning, late or not ... I'll be sure not to try to go there.


--- In, "Ken" <kshansen@...> wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out why out of all the web pages I've connected to in the past one has all three of my web browsers saying the same thing more or less.
> Google gives this:
> "Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to"
> Along with suggestions on how to correct this problem none of which work.
> This computer is a Dell Dimension 2350 running Windows XP connecting through a cable modem. A newer laptop connecting to this same modem wirelessly has no problem so I don't see it as a modem or internet provider problem.
> Could there be a setting on my computer that is somehow blocking this site?
> Just to let anyone checking out the site mentioned above it may have content that some would not approve of so be forewarned!

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